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Performance analysis of pharmaceutical grade silicone tube and medical grade silicone tube

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Pharmaceutical silicone tube and medical silicone tube belong to the health grade hose, the hose must reach the health grade specification, does not contain harmful substances such as plasticizers, and will not affect the transmission medium.

Transparent hose can clearly see the flow of the medium, with chemical inertness, will not have a chemical reaction with the transfer medium; Hygienic silicone tube has good high temperature and low temperature resistance, usually used as a connection hose for some medical equipment or as a hose for pharmaceutical companies to deliver pharmaceutical liquid, powder and chemical response reagents, as well as vacuum weighing, high-end laboratories, human surgery and other industries.

Pharmaceutical silicone tube and medical silicone tube in addition to the quality, grade and other aspects have great similarities, there are many differences.

These differences are mainly reflected in the different application requests and application environments of hoses.

Medical silicone rubber products are mainly used for the connection between medical equipment, or directly stop contact with the human body, mainly the use of small-caliber all-plastic transparent silicone hose or single-layer braid silicone hose, such hose needs to meet the requirements of medical grade, can not contain harmful substances or react with the human body.

Pharmaceutical grade silicone tube is mainly used for supporting large pharmaceutical equipment, for delivering organic solvents, strong acid and alkali practice or extraction of pharmaceutical liquid, etc., the demand hose to reach the sanitary grade specification, will not affect the delivery medium or attack repercussions, and the hose is required to have a certain high temperature, high pressure or acid and alkali resistance.

The pharmaceutical industry is more than the use of silicone steel wire hose, four-layer braided silicone tube and other large diameter silicone tube, with the development of domestic silicone tube technology from time to time, now domestic silicone tube is entering the high-end silicone tube market.
